Books Like The Catcher In The Rye


Books Like The Catcher In The Rye

The Catcher in the Rye is one of the most important and influential novels of the twentieth century. It is a coming-of-age story about a teenage boy, Holden Caulfield, who is trying to make sense of the world around him. The novel has had a lasting impact on readers of all ages and has spawned a number of books similar in theme and style. **What are some examples of books like The Catcher in the Rye?** Some examples of books like The Catcher in the Rye include J.D. Salinger's Franny and Zooey, S.E. Hinton's The Outsiders, J.D. Salinger's Nine Stories, and S.E. Hinton's Rumble Fish.

Questions and Answers:

1. the books are in the.....................

book case.................Library.
SeMoGa BeNaR...

2. The books are in the

The books are in the book shelf

3. practical organ repair books look like in the process of spermatogenesis ​


buku perbaikan organ praktis terlihat seperti dalam proses spermatogenesis

4. The books in the library ___ in alphabetical order

The books in the library are arranged in alphabetical order

Semoga membantu :)

5. You . . . read the books in the library. ​


You haveread the books in the library. 

semoga membantu

6. The student are borrow the books, in the . . . .

The student are borrow the books, in the (library)The student are borrow the books,in the LIBRARY


7. the books are arranged well in the?​


lalu buku diatur dengan baik di?maaf kalau salah


the books are arranged well in the bookshelf


bookshelf= rak buku

8. The ratio of Math and English Books in a library is 5 : 8. The difference between the number of the books is 30 books. How many Math Books in the library?  ​


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Yes in the

9. they........... the books in the library​


they readsthe books in the library


maaf y jika salah

jangan lupa tandai sebagai jawaban yang terbaik ya


They READ the books in the library


10. the librarian puts the books in the bookshelf (+) (-) (?)

(+) The librarian puts the books in the bookshelf
(-) The librarian doesn't put the books in the bookshelf
(?) Does the libratian put the books in the bookshelf?She puts the books in the bookshelf (+)
She doesn't put the books in the bookshelf (-)
Does she put the books in the bookshelf ? (?)
maaf bila salah

11. The students borrow books in the library

arti dari bahasa Inggris diatas adalah Murid-murid meminjam buku-buku di perpustakaan

The Students = Murid-murid

borrow = meminjam

books = buku-buku

in = di

the library = perpustakaan

12. the librarin put the books in the...???​


bookshelf / library


Semoga membantu





13. They..... the books in the library ( read)​




karena itu termasuk (I,you they,we) jadi tidak Di tambah s

maaf Kalo salah

14. the books are .. the shelf in the lounge​


The books are arranged on the shelf in the lounge

Maaf kalau salah

Semoga membantu

15. 25. The correct statement of 'Are-stu.dents - library-the-in -?- theborrowing - books'a. Are the students borrowingbooks in the library?b. The students are borrowingbooks and reading the library?C.are the library borrowing thebooks in the students?D.the students reading thelibrary borrowing books andlibrarian?​


25. A jawabannya.

i'm pretty sure bout this




Are the students borrowing books in the library?

16. . The students buys some books in the shop.These are ... books. ​


The students buys some books in the shop.

These are the books. ​

semoga membantu. dijamin benar , jadikan jawaban terbaik yaa! semangat kamu !☺

17. We need ... for looking the books in the library.we need for looking the books in the blablabla ​


Artinya: Kami membutuhkan ... untuk mengunci buku-buku di perpustakaan. kita perlu mengunci buku di blablabla

Jawaban: Key Atau Kunci


Semoga bermanfaat dan membantu dan mohon maaf apabila salah

Tolong bantu Follow ya...

18. the library and books in thejawab dong​


artinya:perpustakaan dan buku dimana?

perpustakaan dan buku ada dimana?

19. The librarian put the books in the bookshelf.terjemahan

Petugas perpustakaan meletakkan buku di rak buku

pustakawan menaruh buku buku di rak buku

20. 0. The students read books in the ......​

Jawaban :


Penjelasan :

Karena mereka itu ( students ) murid - murid , yang berarti mereka berada di sekolah . Jadi , tempat membaca buku yang ada di sekolah adalah LIBRARY ( Perpustakaan )

Semoga membantu :)

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